Undergraduate and graduate students

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We are always looking for motivated graduate and undergraduate students interested in our research areas. Thesis projects can be adapted according to your interests and background. Candidates attending the following courses are preferred (but not limited to):

  • Bioinformatics
  • Biotechnological Engineering
  • Data Science

To discuss your thesis project, contact us at

PhD program in Brain, Mind, and Computer Science

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The University of Padova offers three-year PhD programs, with selection procedures held every Spring and Fall.

Our laboratory’s faculty members are actively involved in the following PhD programs:

Detailed information about the requirements and application process can be found on the official PhD program website.
If you are interested in pursuing your PhD with our lab, please send your CV and a brief expression of interest to

Hosting Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships

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We are always interested in hosting
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellows
and are available to help with the application process.

MSCA Seal of Excellence @UniPD: If your MSCA-PF project proposal with our lab as hosting institution isn’t funded by the European Union, but is awarded the Seal of Excellence you might be funded directly from the University of Padova.

Send us your expression of interest at
